Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Strong Middle

From Corn/Pinkerton on bh.tv 1/30/07

Pinkerton: Changes in the media over the past 5-10 years have broken down old media structures; made it possible for new ones (like bh.tv) to emerge; so, if Bloomberg or Hagel (or anybody w/ name id & money), can just jump in there and say, look, I've got a website, I've got a campaign, etc. [then maybe you can have a viable independent candidacy].
In other words, the strong middle, via netroots, new media, etc., transcends the conventional two-party doofus-fest.
Corn: You're nuts!
Takes the point, but thinks that we're far away from that. Ultimately, Corn doesn't think that Hegel and Bloomberg are quite unconventional enough to be the pioneers and revolutionaries that one would have to be in order to take advantage of the new media / information age stuff.
Offline bet; we'll check back in a year.

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