Saturday, April 07, 2007

State-based impeachment: Now Wisconsin and Hawaii

For those of you keeping score at home, the ninth and tenth state legislatures to enter into the impeachment sweepstakes are: Wisconsin (thanks to State Rep. Frank Boyle of Superior) and Hawaii (thanks to State Senator Les Ihara, Jr. of Kapahulu).

Wisconsin and Hawaii join eight predecessors: California, Illinois, Vermont, Minnesota, New Mexico, Washington, Missouri, and Texas.

That makes 10 states and 80 state legislators cosponsoring the call to impeach since bills began being introduced last year.

Word is that New Jersey and Maine are on the cusp. One more state after that would put it at 1/4 of the states in the country.

But as you know, Joe Klein says that while the president is "clearly unfit to lead," actually doing something about it is "counterproductive and slightly nutso."


Tags: impeachment, Wisconsin, Hawaii, California, Illinois, Vermont, Minnesota, New Mexico, Washington, Missouri, Texas. (all tags)

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