Monday, August 06, 2007

TPM interviews Jay Carney

Jay Carney is Time's Washington Bureau Chief, the one who tipped his hat to TPM re the US Attorney scandal a few months back.

Update 8.8.2007:
Carney responds to criticism of his remarks on the YKos panel and in his interview (above) with TPM:
What I meant about having a responsibility not to be labeled left or right is that our responsibility is to the truth -- that we should write what we see, not what we want to see or wish to be true, and that, if we do so, attempts to label us as partisan will fail. The purpose of labeling in most of these cases, after all, is to diminish and belittle the work we do. This is part of the motivation behind the multi-decade attack by the right on the MSM -- i.e., conservatives have long argued that the MSM is biased and the news stories in the NYT and WP and Time and Newsweek, as well as on CNN and the broadcast networks, should be discounted and ignored (if, of course, they reflect badly on the GOP or conservative policies) because the reporters who produce them are disproportionately liberal and, therefore, biased accordingly. But quality rises. The label doesn't stick if the work is grounded in truths that withstand the accusation of bias.
more ...

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