Monday, April 06, 2009

Odyssey in Reverse

TimesOnline via TPM

Bob Dylan, on Obama:

He's like a fictional character, but he's real. First off, his mother was a Kansas girl. Never lived in Kansas though, but with deep roots. You know, like Kansas bloody Kansas. John Brown the insurrectionist. Jesse James and Quantrill. Bushwhackers, Guerillas. Wizard of Oz Kansas. I think Barack has Jefferson Davis back there in his ancestry someplace. And then his father. An African intellectual. Bantu, Masai, Griot type heritage - cattle raiders, lion killers. I mean it's just so incongruous that these two people would meet and fall in love. You kind of get past that though. And then you're into his story. Like an odyssey except in reverse.

but see Sullivan
... Barack Obama Sr was of the Luo tribe .... Luos primarily fish for a living and fish is a major part of their diet and the stereotype about them is that due to this high consumption of fish, they are very intelligent. Any health manual today correctly links high Omega-3 consumption with a boost in brain power. Luos do not raise cattle or kill lions, the Maasai do that. ...

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