Monday, October 19, 2009

what goes around lies down medicine

HuffPo Rachel Weiner

[Keene utters something short of a threat, actually: "I'm not going to hit you but I'd like to, because you deserve it," in a calm voice. Seems to me a perfectly appropriate locution, commensurate with the degree of assholishness exhibited by Ziegler. You're not allowed to hit people in civilized society; and when you go around acting like an asshole, it's like hitting people, or polluting, or worse. ]

John Ziegler, voracious defender of Sarah Palin against all media criticism, has turned his sights from the liberal news to conservative politicos.

In his movie "Media Malpractice: How Obama Got Elected and Palin Was Targeted," Ziegler went after the mainstream media for perceived liberal bias and slights against the Alaska governor. This weekend at the Western Conservative Political Action Conference (WCPAC), Ziegler went after a target closer to home: David Keene, chairman of the American Conservative Union. In the end, the documentarian gets cursed at and kicked out of the conference. In response he's put video of the entire encounter on Mediaite.

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