I think it’s a story worth telling particularly since Obama is back talking healthcare reform. You are one of my most thoughtful friends – perhaps you can see this posted or sent to get the message out.
In the meantime – the rest of us are well, if not a little preoccupied.
. . .. ... oOo ... .. . .
February 24, 2010
President Obama
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
NW Washington, DC 20500
Dear President Obama,
Crooks and Patsies Oppose US Healthcare Reform While Oma Suffers
My mother-in-law broke her hip on Monday, President’s day. She went to a ManorCare Health Services facility on Tuesday - a supposedly skilled nursing facility. My wife and her family have been making daily trips to make sure she is well. They have found her on the floor, wading in her own urine and abandoned with her intravenous lines pulled out. A horror everyday. Just three days later my mother-in-law had to be transferred out of ManorCare with a dislocated hip. Right this minute she sits in a hospital emergency room because she was sent to the wrong hospital and they won’t admit her.
Our family is well informed, “well insured” and a few of us are health care providers ourselves. We are beside ourselves and everyone is turning their lives inside out to make sure that our Oma is as comfortable as possible. ManorCare, which is owned by the Carlyle “War Profiteer” Group based in Washington DC purchased Manor Care - a formerly well run company - in 2007 for $4.6 billion. Carlyle barrowed against ManorCare’s paid for buildings, put the company in debt and used that money for other investments. They have driven ManorCare into the ground! I’m sick just thinking about the ungodly people who make money by stealing from health care so they can make their rich pals richer.
This is wrong. For-profit healthcare is breaking America’s back. It has dislocated my Oma’s recently replaced hip. And I will see to it that obstructionist bullies who vote against health care reform are put out in the street. They are shills for the “healthdeterrence” and “pharmoverprescription” industries and shame on them.
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Thanks for sharing. I am so sorry to hear about Oma's circumstances. It is good that you are joining your voice with the thousands of others whose experiences have been similarly outrageous. I observe that President Obama hears and understands these stories, and has them firmly in his mind as he faces down the talking points. He has been rather explicit and consistent in expressing this, very notably yesterday.* Did you happen to see any of Obama's Jan. 29th visit to the House GOP Caucus retreat? Worth watching. Summary version (2:12) and full Q&A (66:45) available here.

Many people focus on the so-called 'political theater' of these events, dismissing their significance. Without wading into the debate about the significance (or non-) of the events politically, I very much like the tone being set by the President. Highly substantive. He does not put up with talking-points BS, and is the single most effective starer-down of BS that I have ever witnessed. He is an absolute master of his passions, which enables him to obviate the ancient rhetorical minefields in half a sentence. So if nothing else, it's cathartic and soothing to watch. But I think it's more than that: I recognize his M.O. as a highly effective strategy set, and these events have served as highly visible platforms for him to self-exemplify its use. I expect we will see more and more of this. It's something to root for, and gives me hope.
Best to the whole family,
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