Tuesday, November 28, 2006

James Boyce: Netroots!

The Huffington Post

... But slowly there is a growing library of information that tears apart their dismissals of the online world. Over at DailyKos, an enterprising blogger (a phd with professional experience in polling by the way) has torn a hole in the myth that the bloggers are ranting youth online.

A poll of the age of the readers of DailyKos has been taken and with almost 12,000 people replying to the survey, the number one age bracket is 45-49 years old with 14% of those replying to survey. Second is the 50-54 age bracket with 13% replying and a full 83% are over the age of 30.

The rest of the results are here. But the answer is clear. The people online are the heart, the soul and the core of the Democratic Party and the energy and active base of the party. It is a huge diverse group of people who care and people who pay attention and give money and time and the future belongs to those outside of DC not those inside.

You can deny it. You can dismiss it. You can ignore it. You can also kiss your ass goodbye while you're at it.

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