Friday, July 07, 2006


Thanks for your quick reply. I have become very interested in the topics of networks, complexity, new media's impact on the world, etc. I am in the financial industry so this began as mostly a personal interest. It has quickly evolved, however, into a recognition that trying to understand these worlds has the potential to be a huge advantage professionally (I guess you could say my job is to try and figure out what the future looks like). My brother is the one who first got me interested in these areas and we share the interest.

As part of that, we have both visited your website on numerous occiasions and have read a number of your essays. Today I found your blog as well. So that is how I heard about Orgnet and Inflow. Thanks for asking.

I'm not sure exactly what I would use Inflow software for, but I do have an interest in being able to graph networks. For now I think I'd be considering it for my brother and me to use. It would be helpful to know how much this would cost me. My dream would be to convince my employer to use this tool in analyzing employee interactions, but my guess is that it would be a tough sell.

I came to your site today because my brother and I were talking about how it would be interesting to compare the network dynamics of different on-line communities for example science sites vs religious sites. We started talking about what we would have to figure out in order to collect the data and we decided maybe it would be easier if someone else had already done that (we think it is probable). Hence, I'm trolling around the internet looking. Any links?

1 comment:

mark said...

oh sister!