Monday, October 16, 2006

The Blog | Matt Stoller: Post-2006 Part One: Sesame Street or Lord of the Flies? | The Huffington Post

The Blog | Matt Stoller: Post-2006 Part One: Sesame Street or Lord of the Flies? | The Huffington Post: "You don't really get a sense of the structural integrity of a system until it falls under pressure. In 1977, New York was a lot sicker than it was in 2004, and this became obvious when the lights went out and Lord of the Flies, as opposed to Sesame Street, began.
If the Republicans go down this year, the entire right-wing system will be put under new pressure. Not a lot of pressure, mind you, but a marginally larger amount of pressure than the wingnuts are used to. So we have to start asking ourselves how their system will respond. Will they regroup quickly and counterattack in 2008, or will they fall to backbiting and infighting as they try to distance themselves from Bush, who isn't of course a real conservative?"

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