Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Where's the Shame?

Interesting post from March/April 2006 by Glenn Greenwald, linked from firedoglake yesterday. Firedoglake was taking instapundit to task (a la the geebus of late) for being an unremorseful (so far) war cheerleader. Greenwald's post hammers instapundint and a number of others for their positions c. 2003, wondering aloud why these guys have not yet been entirely shamed into silence.

Unclaimed Territory - by Glenn Greenwald: The Death of Shame in our Pundit Class: "There are not many episodes in our national history which can compete with the invasion of Iraq in terms of the profound failures of every one of our institutions -- failures which allowed this sort of deceit and detachment from reality to persist. But until we identify those responsible and end the influence which they continue to exert over our political dialogue, we will continue to be at risk of following them down these same deceitful, destructive paths."

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