Friday, October 27, 2006

Lynne Cheney Claims Her Steamy Lesbian Novel Isn't "Sexually Explicit" | TPMCafe

I didn't pay attention to the whole story here -- something about a Dem candidate getting tagged by Imus for sex scenes in a novel he wrote. Which prompted the DNC to bring up a 2004 AP article about Lynne Cheney's book Sisters, which apparently had some lurid content too. (And which, by the way is selling for like $280 on Amazon when I went there just now to fetch the URL.)

Anyway, Lynne Cheney is on the Situation Room with Wolf, to plug her new children's book (which is selling for $10.77 and is Amazon #8 in books today). But he apparently leads off with questions regarding the news item regarding the DNC's statement about her book.

Just a nice Lynne Cheney vignette. She's all "Wolf, Wolf, can we just talk about a children's book here," y'know, extremely righteous and indignant.

VA-SEN: Lynne Cheney Claims Her Steamy Lesbian Novel Isn't "Sexually Explicit" | TPMCafe

includes link to video, which is a nice portrait of a lying liar imho

UPDATE: There's a longer version on Crooks & Liars.


mark said...

she seems as sweet as barbara bush, but to be fair to her - if you watch this scene in context ( Wolf is sort of hijacking a book tour interview ala what the dude on Fox did to Clinton a few weeks ago. But she sure is one lying, distorting, talk pointing person.

robert said...

Yeah, I saw it in context (see my update to the post). Sauce for the goose is the gander's own medicine (or something).